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Overriding in Java in context of design.
While you are going for an Interview for a Lead or Developer role. The interviewer will definitely ask you some questions on Overriding and...
Home » Archives for November 2015
Overloading in java
java interview,
overloading in java,
overloading meaning
- on November 09, 2015
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In Interview, you can expect a bunch of questions over overloading and believe me those are very tricky, If you are not understand overloading then it will be very tough to crack interview as this is the fundamentals of Java.NB: Many people think overloading...
Understanding Casting in Java
casting example,
explicit casting,
java casting,
java interview,
- on November 08, 2015
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Understanding Casting in Java
In Java, Casting means to cast a class to another class. This definition has two catch points.
a. Can I cast any Java /custom type(class) to another Java/custom type: No You can only cast those classes to one another...
Understand protected modifier in java
access modifiers in java with example program,
java access modifiers,
java interview questions,
java interview questions for experienced,
protected java,
protected keyword in java
- on November 07, 2015
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Understanding most critical access modifier protected in java?
We all know Java has three access modifiers a, public b. protected c. private and four access levels a.public b. protected c. private d. default among them protected is the...