I know it is provocative to put complex business logic in plain English to easily explain the logic, or Jira id/bug Id as a future reference in the codebase, but with time, the codebase evolves, methods are refactored but we forgot to refactor comments and your comment will be out of sync and gives a wrong interpretation about the method/code/business logic, undoubtedly a code smell, if you need to put bug id for future reference put as a commit message but avoid comments remember clean code is self-explanatory.
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Clean code Tips1:: Urge to put comments? refrain to do it.
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- on November 16, 2020
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DDD: Thinking in terms of Context Map
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- on May 28, 2018
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In my previous article, I did a detailed discussion about the Bounded Context and learn that how to tackle the complexity of a Domain, it is the best way to divide the domains into several subdomains and mapped them with different bounded contexts where each business entity/Value object has certain meaning on that context, so every stakeholder of the business like Product owner, Developers, Architect, sponsorers are understood the context and referring entity with the proper name, there should be no confusion of the naming when we discuss the terminology basis on a context. A ubiquitous language which creates a unified language among business stakeholder.
By Bounded context, we properly define a business model, create a different context based on the business domains, but always a functionality spans over multiple business entities , and those entities lie in the different Bounded contexts/domains, so it is utmost important to understand the relationship between the Bounded contexts, to architecting the business solution Context Map is a technique by which we can visualize the relationship between different contexts and Integration architect choose the best integration patterns to communicate to other contexts.
Why Context Map is so important while designing solution?
By UML diagram architect cam understand how different parts will communicate with other parts, It gives the architect a view on the communication between different contexts, that is fine but context map stepped in before UML diagram, it helps to visualize the nature of the relationship and based on the nature , architects can decide what kind of technical solution would be adopted.
The best part of Context Map visualization is, it talks about nature of the relationship, It not only tell is that relationship is upstream or downstream, Publisher or subscriber, it also tells how different team dependent on another team their motifs, their politics everything. so counting all of that now architect in a position to decide optimal solution to minimize the risk while integrating with another context.
In the era of Microservices, Context Map is the key player, because before design the holistic Microservice architecture where every team owns a Microservice, It is important to understand how one team is dependent on other, which teams are in commendable position, which team only seeks help then you can architect the solution best possible way .
Think of our Student online Tutor app, as a full grown app say it has more than fifty microservices are deployed in production , so here fifty teams are coming into play and for developing a functionality say Student registrations , multiple contexts will be affected, so we can say to implement that feature multiple teams will be involved so what would be their relationship, while designing this feature who is the pivot service whose data is most needed obviously that service is in commendable position as if that team is not ready other teams can't do anything, so all teams should align with that team , they have to sync there product backlog with that team, so here the internal politics comes to the picture , if the data of the service comes from an External team not with in the organization then the solution is way more complex as you can't force them so only way is to request them and wait for there changes, so based on these diffrent scenarios, politics context map has diffrent solutions. I will cover most important solutions here
1. Shared Kernel : Shared kernel talks about a partnership relation where two or many teams shared common data model/ value object, it reduces the code duplication as different context use that common model, but that common model/value object is very sensitive, any changes major/minor should be agreed upon all the parties unless it would break other parties code, so more communication and synchronization needs among those teams say one team need a change in the common model but another team is not ready so the priro team has to wait for other oartner to be ready or otherhand othar partner has to change there code unnecessery although that is not heliping them, but to be in sync with other partners, diffrent shades of problems woven while maintaining the pertnership relation ship so choose that pattern when your common model remains constant or changes once in an era.
In our example, say we developed an analytical module which analysis which courses are most chosen by the students, which students are chosen more than five courses etc, so that module works with Student model, course model so I can say our Analytics module can share Registration modules student model, and they also agreed upon any changes on student model.
Customer/ Supplier: Generally this is the common relationship between two contexts, where a context consumers or depend on data from another context, the context which produces data marked as upstream and the context which consumes data called downstream. When we visualize this relationship in terms of politics we can visualize the power distribution has many shades.
like following
Upstream as the leader: In this type of relationship, the upstream team is in a commendable position, that team does not care about the downstream team, as they producing the data and downstream team is on the mercy of that upstream team they are always changing their model based on the data structure produces by upstream.
In our Student Registration app relationship between Payment app and Notification, app is kind of upstream and downstream where Payment app decide what information in which structure they provide and Notification module consumes that data structure.
Downstream as the Leader: In some cases, the relationship is revert although upstream is produces data, it must have to follow the rule, the data structure for downstream, in this scenario downstream is in a commendable position.
say in our Studen registration system we need to submit Form 16 to government as a tax payee so our payment module has to submit form 16 data to Government exposed API but government API has certain rules and data structure for submitting form 16 data, so although government API is downstream it has total control, our Payment module should communicate with down steam in such a way so it can fulfil downstream rules.
The customer-supplier relation works best when both the parties upstream and downstream are aligned with the work both party agreed upon the interfaces and change in the structure, in case of any changes in the contract both parties will do a discussion synchronize their priority backlogs and agreed upon the changes, If one party does nor care upon another party then every time contract will be broken and it is tough to maintain a customer-supplier relationship.
Conformist: Sometimes, there is a relation between two parties in such a way that downstream team always dependent on an upstream team and they can't do a mutual agreement with upstream about requirements. The upstream is not aligned with downstream and does not care they are free to change there published endpoint or contract any time and not taking any request from downstream. It is happens when Upstream team is an external system or under a different management hierarchy , and many downstream systems are registered with it so it can't give a priority to any downstream, rather then all downstream system must be aligned with upstream contact and data structures if upstream contracts or data structures change it ps downstream responsibility to changes accordingly.
Say, In our online Student registration app we have a free tutorial module where all students or other application can consume our free tutorials and embed them in their application, so here out free tutorial module acts as upstream and independent of any other third party app who consumes our free tutorials , we can;t give any priority to them and we don't have any contract with them if we change the contracts or data structures it is other third parties duty to change their application accordingly to consume our free tutorials. Other parties are acting as a conformist.
Anti Corruption Layer: When two system interacts if we consume the data directly from upstream we pollute our downstream system as upstream data structure leak through the downstream so if the upstream become polluted our downstream too as it imitates the upstream data while consuming. So it is a good idea while consume data from third party or from a legacy application always use a translation layer where the upstream data translate to downstream data structure before fed in to downstream in that way we can resist the data leakage from upstream, if upstream contract changes it does not pollute downstream internal system only Translation layer has to be changed in order to adopt new data structure from upstream and convert it into downstream data structure, this technique is called Anti-corruption layer. Anti-corruption layers save the downstream system from upstream changes.
In our application Notification module can implement an ACL while consuming data from payment module so if payment module data structure changes only ACL layers affected.
Open Host : In some cases, your Domain API needs to be accessed by many other services like our Free Tutorial Publisher module, Many external or internal domains want to consume this service, so as Upstream it should be hosted as a service and maintains a protocol and service contract like REST and JSON structure so another system can consume the data.
Published Language: Often two or more system receive and send messages among themselves, in that case, a common language will be needed for the transformation of the data from one system to another like XML, JSON we call that structure as Published language.
The holistic view of our Student online registration app in terms of context Map
Conclusion: Context Map is a very important exercise to realize how one domain communicate with other, It gives a proper view of the organization structure, how different domains are distributed, how domain owners are dependent on each other? What is the relationship between team structure? Can they be aligned while developing a feature, based on all the parameters Integration architect can adopt a suitable integration pattern to integrate domains? Prior to designing the integration solution, always architect has to define context map to understand the relationship and structure of the teams based on that Architect can choose the best possible solution.
Techniques for reducing Tight Coupling
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- on October 09, 2017
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“Tight Coupling is Bad” How many times you have heard this word from your seniors. Probably many many times.
But why Coupling is bad what are the implications comes if you do tight coupling?
What is actually a Tight coupling?
How we can fight with it.?
In this tutorials, we will dig the answers.
Coupling: In a simple term coupling is when a Class or Interface dependent on another class/interface i.e has a HAS-A relationship.
Example :
Class Vehicle{
private Wheel wheel =new Wheel();
In above example, Vehicle is dependent on Wheel, Which means without creating Wheel Object we can’t create Vehicle Object if anything goes wrong while creating Wheel Object vehicle will never be created. Also if we need to test Vehicle, first Wheel Object has to be created then Vehicle can be tested. Without, Wheel Vehicle has no existence. This type of coupling is called Tight Coupling, We know Vehicle must contain Wheel, To make the statement more generic sometimes we have requirements where a class must have to contains other classes to fulfill its purpose, they can't-do thing independently. So Coupling is inevitable, it can not be avoided but by programming technique we can make it pluggable in such a way so that we can reduce the degree of coupling so Dependable and Dependent class/interface can be changed without impacting each other. We called this technique as Loose coupling. I will show you some techniques which reduce the coupling between Objects.
Creation of Objects : Often while we doing coding we direct create the dependable Object instance, either in a init method or in Constructor or supply it through setter/constructor. But it is always risky. Once you have done that, Then you lose the flexibility if requirement changes in future you have to change the Dependent Object to accommodate the change in dependable Object. Let say All Ford cars use MRF Wheel So they are dependent on MRF wheel, Now if they change the mind and want to use Another company’s wheel then they have to change all car's Wheel Object creation so it is against the Open-Close principle.
public Class Ford{
MRFWheel wheel;
Ford(MRFWheel wheel){
this.wheel =wheel;// replaced by new JKWheel()
So the best practices would be If you think dependent object will be changed frequently or may have multiple implementations always create an Interface and use that interface as a reference so anytime you can change the implementation without affecting the dependent class. But if you are sure about the dependent Objects behavior will not change then unnecessary don’t create interface it again against YAGNI and KISS.
//wheel related methods
public class Ford{
IWheel wheel;
Ford(IWheel wheel){
this.wheel =wheel;// replaced by new JKWheel()
Assuming MRFWheel and JKWheel are the subclasses of the IWheel
new Ford(new MRFWheel());
new Ford(new JKWheel())
Use Static factory method for creating Object : While creating an Interface for multiple implementations is good as you can change implementation dynamically. But if the dependable Object implementation is changed then again you have to change the all dependant Object which again breaks the Open/close principle.
Say Now Wheel take Air Pressure as a Constructor arguments then the caller of the Ford car has to change its logic, as multiple cars have dependencies on Wheel every implementation will break due to this change.
new Ford(new MRFWheel(AirPressure pressure));
new Ford(new JKWheel(AirPressure pressure))
The problem is we do not centralize the Object creation so all the caller has a responsibility to create the Objects and when the project grows it is a tedious job to find all references and fix them in case of a change in business logic in dependable Object. We certainly reduce our effort, if we use a Static Factory method to create the instances, So we centralize the creation of dependable object all dependent objects refer static factory method to get the dependable Object.So if any implementation details change it will only affect the Static factory method, Unless the method signature of the Static factory method is changed.
public static IWheel createWheel(WHEEL wheel){
new MRFWheel(AirPressure pressure)
else if(WHEEL.JK.equals(wheel)
new JKWheel(AirPressure pressure)
New DumyWheel(AirPressure pressure)
new Ford(WheelFactory.createWheel(WHEEL.mrf)));
new Ford(WheelFactory.createWheel(WHEEL.JK)));
Don’t take dependable Object Responsibility : Often knowingly or unknowingly, caller take the responsibility of dependable Object, which is breaking the encapsulation and it is the most common coding mistake I have seen, Not judging the Cohesion properly and it breaks another principle Tell Don’t Ask. Which increases unnecessary coupling and gradually your code not welcoming any future changes. Let's take a Simple example how we take dependable Object responsibility. Say Ford car has a method which shows the specifications of the car in very detail manner. So when it shows the Wheels Specifications often we do code like this in Ford Class.
public void FordSpecification(){
//Ford car specific specifications
But it has a severe problem if in future Wheel specification is changed if it adds or removes any attribute it has a direct impact on Ford class, So all Ford Car classes have to be changed to incorporate the specification changes of the wheel.
It is wheel specification changes so why Ford class would be the sufferer?
Because while coding we did not understand the Wheel class responsibility, It is wheel class responsibility to provide specification through a specification method which uses by the Ford.
In Wheel class
public void specification(){
In Ford Class
public void FordSpecification(){
//Ford car specific specifications
If wheel specification changes it does not impact the Ford class.
Try to reduce Hide-coupling :
Hide Coupling means from the API, you can’t understand there is and Dependency inside it.
It is a common programming technique where we hide the coupling from the user, Like create necessary Objects inside init method or constructor. I am not saying this is bad but , When you hide a Coupling think very carefully , If the Object is a kind of Utility, Connection pools, Worker thread that is fine but if it is a normal business Object, always provide an option for setting the Object from Outside, So user can set a Dummy or Mock Object while testing, Unless as a developer it is very hard to track down why the Object is not created as user does not aware of hiding coupling
Take the first example again
Public Class Ford{
MRFWheel wheel;
this.wheel =new MRFWheel();
From the API of Ford, it is impossible to say Ford has a dependency on MRFWheel. You will discover it in runtime if MRFWheel Object is not created from the stack trace. But if you change the implementation.
Public Class Ford{
IWheel wheel;
Ford(IWheel wheel){
this.wheel =wheel;// replaced by new JKWheel()
Then we can inject a DummyWheel while unit testing the Ford specific method.
Conclusion : Tight Coupling always creates a Big Ball of Mud. And gradually loses the flexibility to incorporate changes. Always take a closer look for coupling while writing code-- A silly mistake can cost you very much in near future. If you take above best practices most of the time you will be on safer side.
5 great points why you use event source solutions?
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Domain driven design,
Event driven architecture,
Event Source,
event sourcing,
java interview,
java pattern
- on June 17, 2017
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The Event Sourcing Pattern
Joe has a habit whenever he did some transaction by his Debit card he used to write them in his Personal Diary so he can track his transactions. Joe is not a technology savvy and not able to check account statements online.
At the month end, his bank SMS him his current balance but he immediately notices a discrepancy between current savings what bank shows and as per his calculation based on the Diary. He immediately calls Bank helpline and arguing about the discrepancy. Then the bank sends him an Account statement with all transactions recorded.
When he is trying to match transaction records with his diary he understood one transaction not in the Diary as that day he was so sick, he thought it to write it next day but somehow forgot.
But the question is what we can extract from this story?
If we look minutely we discover one fact that Bank always stores all the events/transactions happens on the Account. Like Account creation, credit, debit etc. and the current balance is nothing but the outcome of those transactions. So what I meant to say is that account balance is not a fixed column in a database rather than it is a derivative/outcome of the transactions/events what were applied on the Account.We called it Event Sourcing.
Now think what we generally do in software if we credit or debit any amount we just add or subtract that amount from current balance and update the account with new balance right.
So we have the current state but lost the information how that state is achieved some system uses Audit trail still it is not fully deterministic. So anytime anyone challenges the system this is not the desired system state we don’t have any solid proof other than pleaded to them that system can not be wrong. But if you maintain that history or cause of the state changed like Bank then you just give them the History and asking to check -- a solid way to store proofs.
This is a very common story may anyone of us gone through the same and then look the Account statement for doubt clearing.
Technically what is Even Sourcing?
Event Sourcing is a technique by that we store all the changes of application state as a sequence of events. we can rebuild the state anytime from those events, also can query on the events to construct the desired state.
So the two key benefits are
1.we store all the events in a sequence which enables huge opportunities.
2.The state is the derivative of events so we don’t have to maintain state in the database rather we can programmatically derive state based on the event.
Now this opens a new direction that we don’t have to persist state rather we can derive state and it bring many advantages I will talk about 5 such advantages.
- State Rebuild : As we stores every event applies on an application object, we can create a blank /initial application object and apply every event in the same sequence it applied will bring the same state, so anywhere any point of time we can rebuild a state from events. So systems must have a mechanism to apply event, Then you can rebuild a state if the state is blown up for some reason. One may argue if your application state derives from millions of events applied on it, so computing all events may take time and also storing all events need a big storage area. but the fact is nowadays memory are really cheap also we can have TB of in memory space so computation is also faster, alternatively, we can store snapshot i.e milestone of the state and apply event and rebuild state from latest snapshot.
2. Temporal Query : Event sourcing is perfect for Auditors. Business analysis team always want to see the past state so they can compare the growth or loss or any valuable statistical data so they need the flexibility to query the system in all possible way to collect statistical data. So If system has a feature to build the past state by passing parameters then analyst team will be delighted and the System which maintains all the state they can easily rebuild /compute the state by the parameters provide by the analyst team say analyst want to see the Account details for 10th December 2016, by event sourcing we can fetch all events till 10 the December and apply them in sequence to build the state and return the result to analysts -- easy job isn’t it.
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3. Comparing State : Sometimes in a complex system, you need to know if events were applied in different ways what would be the outcome and how much deviation it cause from the current state say, A bank saving account interest rate is 8% previously it was 8.5. Now if the bank wants to know due to the decrease of the interest what is the actual amount bank benefits so they will replay events of 8.5 percents in all accounts and compare the state with current state to know the actual benefits although it is not very easy to implement but we can.
4. Debugging State : Suppose there is a bug in production system and we need to debug why the bug happens by event sourcing it is very easy like copy the Account in Dev environment then change the Log level to Debug and apply event one by one in the sequence and check the outcome is predicted or not ,if not then found the Event and check how it applies to change the application state to found the defect.
5. Future Prediction : In some Business domain it is important task to analysis what will be outcome if we take some business decision, if the outcome is successful they will take the decision,But in a naked eye it is impossible to predict the application state as different services are interlinked with each other and based on one event they can change, dependent services are subscribed to certain events when that event occurs they take action on basis of event value. say A bank’s stock share worth is 8 INR but bank analysis team predict within 1 month it will be increased to 12 INR and they have moreover 30K stocks are public so analysis team wants to know what will be the effects of the application state if stock worth is 12 INR so they will run some ad-hoc future events on top of current state based on two criteria.
Taking per stock as 12 INR
Taking per stock as 8 INR
Then compare two application states to find out what are the effect of this stock value increase for each interlinked services.
Conclusion : Some systems are inherently Event sourced like Version control (GIT), Banking application, Order Tracking application etc. but we can implement the same in general system also.Using Event sourcing you can easily back and forth you application state by replaying events and state cloning into any environment is just a matter of time but the Irony is, This pattern not used broadly in industry.
3 wise men on Tell Don't ask
breach encapsulation,
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design patterns in java,
Encapsulation.Domain driven design,
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Java principles,
Tell Don't Ask
- on June 07, 2017
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A story on Tell Don't ask Principle
John, Doe, and Marcus are three good friends. They have over 20 years of experience Java/JEE stack and working in IBM, Cognizant and TCS respectively. They have immense experience in design pattern and all the new technologies and respected by their colleague for Exceptional insight on the Technology Stack.
They are planning to go for a vacation in the upcoming weekend to enjoy their spare time with lots of Burger, whiskey, and cooking. John has an Outhouse in a village so they planned to go there by driving.
At last, the day came they pack their Beer, Whiskey, and Burger and headed towards John outhouse it was far away from Town. At evening they reached the outhouse and prepare some snacks for their whiskey and sit together in a round table to enjoy Chicken roast and Whiskey.
Suddenly the power cut happens, The room is so dark that no one can see anything, from outside they can hear the Call of Cricket, Marcus put on his mobile flashlight, now they can see each other.
Doe breaking the silence by saying,
“Oh well, this ambiance is perfect for a horror story can anyone share any real life experience?”
Marcus replied in a witty way
“Umm No, I believe all we are from town and busy with IT industry so sorry can not share any horror experience but can share some Java experience which still frightened me”
John and Doe’s Architect instinct flashed with this proposal.
They said, “ Oh yes what would be more good to discuss about something which frightened us an Architect in this ambiance, it is same as Horror Story :).”
Marcus slowly demonstrated the problem.
Marcus: As an Architect when I design a solution for a problem it always frightened me what we encapsulate and what portion we expose to our client program?
John and Doe Nodded their head.
Marcas Continue with his speech,
There are lots of OOPs principle which says how judiciously you can encapsulate your classes or API from outside world.
Take an Example, The Tell Don’t Ask principle, It says us always tell to Object, in a layman term instruct Object what to do never query for an internal state and take a decision based on that because then you loose control over the object.
Take a simple example suppose I want to write a Parcel Delivery Service and there are two domain Objects Parcel and Customer so how should we design it.
If I write following code fragments
package com.example.basic;
* @author Shamik Mitra
public class PercelDeliveryService {
public void deliverPercel(Long customerId){
Customer cust = customerDao.findById(customerId);
List<Percel> percelList = percelDao.findByCustomerId(customerId);
for(Percel percel : percelList){
System.out.println("Delivering percel to " + cust.getCustomerAddress());
//do all the stuff for delivery
According to Tell Don’t Ask it is a violation and should be avoided. In Parcel Delivery Service I try to fetch or ask Customer Address so I can perform the delivery operation so here I query the internal state of the Customer.
And why it is dangerous?
If later if the delivery functionality change says now it also include an email address or mobile so I have to expose these details so exposing more and more internal state think about the other services they may also use the same email address or Customer address. Now If I want to change the Customer Address return type String to Address Object then I need to change all services where it has been used, so a gigantic task to perform and increases risk factor of breaking functionality. Another point is as internal state is exposed to many services there is always a risk to pollute the internal state by a service and it is hard to detect which service changed the state. In one word I loose the control over my object as I don’t know which services use/modify my Object internal state. Now if my object is used by the Internal services of a monolith application I can search the usage in IDE and refactor them but If the Object is exposed through an API and This API used by other organization then I am gone, It really hurts our company reputation and as an architect, I would be fired.
So I can say
Action: More you Expose Internal state
Outcome: Increase coupling, Increases Risk, Increase Rigidity.
Now again look the solution I provided,
Doe chuckled and guess which point Marcus trying to make so he interrupted him and start saying.
Doe: So Marcus you want to tell if we follow Tell Don’t Ask principle then there are couple of ways we can refactor the problem
1. make an association between Customer and Parcel . and it would be lazy loaded and deliver method should be in Customer Object so from the service we call deliver then deliver method fetch parcel list and deliver it, so if the Internal return type change from String to Address only “deliver” method should be affected.
Like this,
package com.example.basic;
* @author Shamik Mitra
public class ParcelDeliveryService {
public void deliverParcel(Long customerId){
Customer cust = customerDao.findById(customerId);
public class Customer{
public void deliver(){
List<Percel> percelList = getPercelList();
for(Percel percel : percelList){
System.out.println("Delivering percel to " + this.getCustomerAddress());
//do all the stuff for delivery
By doing this I maintain Tell Don’t Ask principle properly and decreases the risk of exposing internal state and free to modify my class attributes as all behaviors are tied locally with attributes a nice way to achieve encapsulation.
2. We can create a command Object where we pass the Parcel details and pass the command object to Customer Model, the delivery method extracts the Parcel list and deliver it to the respective customer.
But both policy breaks another principle that is Single Responsibility Principle, SRP(Single Responsibility Principle) says A class has only one reason to change.
But If I think in a reverse way, why we write Services? Because each service does one job like Person Delivery Service responsible for “delivery parcel related “ operations so it maintains SRP and this service only change if there are any changes in Parcel Delivery mechanism and if it breaks other services will not be affected unless other services depend on it.
But according to Tell Don’t Ask all Customer related behaviors should be moved into Customer class so we can tell /Instruct/command Customer class to do a task. So Now Customer class has much responsibility because all Customer-related service code now goes into Customer Model. So Customer has more reason to change so increase the risk factor of failing.
So Now we are back in the same problem risk factor.
If exposing internal state then the risk for modifying attribute if move all behavior into a class then the risk of modifying functionality break the system.
So SRP and Tell Don’t Ask principle contradict in this context.
John: John nodded his head and started with his husky voice, Yes this is really a problem
not only this, If we want to implement a cache in a service or want to implement Aggregation function like Percell delivery rate charge according to distance or Account type, Find most parcels sent to a locality we use Aggregator service where we ask for internal state and compute the result. So often we break Tell Don’t Ask principle. Even as per current trend, Model Object should be lightweight and should not be coupled with each other. If the business needs an information which distributes over multiple models we can write an aggregator service and query each model and compute the result , so we querying internal state. Think about Spring data.
Now If we look in another perspective, according to the Domain-driven Design, In a Parcel Delivery Context (Bounded context) is Customer responsible for delivering the parcel?
Absolutely not, In that context Delivery Boy is responsible for delivering the parcel to the customer. For that Delivery boy needs Parcel and Customer Model, and in that context only Customer name and Address details required and for parcel Id, parcel name will be required so as per DDD we create an Aggregate Model DeliveryBoy where we have two slick Model Customer and Percell because in this context we don’t need customer other details and parcel other details like customer account details, Customer birthdate etc, Context wise model is changed so no one big model for customer where all attribute and behaviour resides rather small slick models based on bounded context and an Aggregate model querying these slick model and perform the work.
By doing this we can mix and match SRP and Tell Don’t ask. For a service perspective we only tell /command DeliveryBoy Aggregate model to do something, so Service maintains SRP and Tell don’t ask, Our Aggregate model also maintain SRP but querying Customer and Parcel Model to do the operation.
package com.example.basic;
* @author Shamik Mitra
public class ParcelDeliveryService {
public void deliverParcel(Long customerId){
DeliveryBoy boy = new DeliveryBoy();
public class DeliveryBoy{
Customer cust;// Context driven model
Percel percel;
public void deliver(Long id){
//do stuff
//load customer slick model
//load Percel slick model
//Deliver the same by quering
Marcus joined and says let's take one step further as DDD insists Microservice, so in Microservice we try to break a monolith using functional decomposition( A function is a Bounded context in DDD) so one service doing one task maintains SRP principle and if we needed and information which distributes over multiple services we create an Aggregator service and querying individual service and do the task so Microservice often breaks Tell Don’t Ask
Doe joined and says So there is no silver bullet and not all principles are good in all context, Based on the context you have to judge which principles you follow sometimes you need to compromise, may for a specific principle viewpoint your code is bad but for a given context it is optimum.
Principles are generic and they are context free but real life solution are based on context so fit principles based on context not the reverse.
In the meantime Light comes, so John said here we are for fun let stop the discussion and concentrate on Whiskey and Roast !!!!
Everyone agreed and change the topic.
Conclusion : As a Narrator, My question to all viewers, what do you think about the talk they did, is there are any points they left off which needs attention while designing?