In my previous article, I did a detailed discussion about the Bounded Context and learn that how to tackle the complexity of a Domain, it is the best way to divide the domains into several subdomains and mapped them with different bounded contexts...
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Bounded Context in my view
design pattern java,
design principles in java,
- on April 28, 2018
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In this article, I will share my view about Bounded Context,
What does it mean,?
Why is it required?
The connection between Bounded context and Microservices.
I will try to keep it simple, and this article targeted to that audience who will hear the...
5 great points why you use event source solutions?
design pattern,
Domain driven design,
Event driven architecture,
Event Source,
event sourcing,
java interview,
java pattern
- on June 17, 2017
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The Event Sourcing Pattern
Joe has a habit whenever he did some transaction by his Debit card he used to write them in his Personal Diary so he can track his transactions. Joe is not a technology savvy and not able to check account statements...
3 wise men on Tell Don't ask
breach encapsulation,
design pattern,
design patterns in java,
Encapsulation.Domain driven design,
java interview,
Java principles,
Tell Don't Ask
- on June 07, 2017
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A story on Tell Don't ask Principle
John, Doe, and Marcus are three good friends. They have over 20 years of experience Java/JEE stack and working in IBM, Cognizant and TCS respectively. They have immense experience in design pattern and all...