EnumSet Efficiency

EnumSet Efficiency
EnumSet Efficiency  EnumSet is Specialized Set which only takes Enum elements. Look at the signature of this class. public abstract class EnumSet<E extends Enum<E>>extends AbstractSet<E>implements Cloneable, Serializable The...

Java : Extensible Enum with Interface

Java : Extensible Enum with Interface
 Extensible Enum with Interface   Overview In Java Enum is a powerful data type. Many places user uses Enum To get advantages from Enum type. Like In a Static Factory method it wise decision to pass Enum type rather than pass String....

Spring Data (Part 5): Paging and Sorting

Spring Data (Part 5): Paging and Sorting
Paging and Sorting Overview When we perform bulk operations, like finding all "Person"s from the database or finding everyone based on a country, often we do the paging so that we can present a small data chunk to the end user and, in the next request,...