Display trangle in screen using Java.

package com.example.loop.star;

 * This class display triangle as follows
 *         *
 *        * *
 *      * * * *
 *    * * * * * *     

public class DisplayTrangle {
    public void triagle_center(int max){//max means maximum star having
        int n=max/2;
        /*This loop prints Top star  as  max star is 20 so i first row we have 19 single blanks and one star to complete left hand
         * So n = 20/2 = 10
         * For first row middle point is 11 th position so 19 single blanks one *
         * Row onwards
         * star = row number * 2 if 1st row 2 stars
         * double blank = middle pos - row number;= 10-1=9 double blanks
         * as middle pos is  11.        *
         * *\
        for(int m=0;m<((2*n)-1);m++){//for upper star
            System.out.print(" ");

        for(int j=1;j<=n;j++){
            for(int i=1;i<=n-j; i++){
                System.out.print("  ");
            for(int k=1;k<=2*j;k++){
            System.out.print("* ");


    public static void main(String[] args) {
        DisplayTrangle ref = new DisplayTrangle();


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