10 commandments On Microservice Decomposition.

10 commandments On Microservice Decomposition.
 While we are talking about Microservices, we talked a lot about Domain-Driven design, Event-Driven Architecture, Core domain, Subdomain, Bounded context, Anti-corruption Layer, etc,Whether you are working in a Brownfield project or a Green Field...

What is a Microservice?

What is a Microservice?
Although the question is Simple, it is tough to answer as Microservice does not have any de facto standard, many people have many perspectives on Microservices so many definitions.The compelling definition is.Microservices is a Suite of services where...

Dilemma on Utility module , making a jar or separate Microservice?

Dilemma on Utility module , making a jar or separate Microservice?
In my previous article, I talked about How you can come to a conclusion about what to choose for your new project Microservice or Monolith?  As an architect may you follow the points what I mentioned in the previous article and come to a conclusion...

DDD: Thinking in terms of Context Map

DDD: Thinking in terms of Context Map
In my previous article, I did a detailed discussion about the Bounded Context and learn that how to tackle the complexity of a Domain, it is the best way to divide the domains into several subdomains and mapped them with different bounded contexts...

5 best practices for Building and Deployment Microservices

5 best practices for Building and Deployment Microservices
Many organizations who are going to adopt or adopted Microservices culture they often think Microservices means breaking a big business functionality into small independent services, which can be scaled automatically. But this is the half part...

5 Best Practices for REST based MIcroservice

5 Best Practices for REST based MIcroservice
In this tutorial, we will discuss 5 best practices by which you can make your Microservice architecture developer friendly so they can manage and track the error easily. User Agent : It is very important to provide a meaningful name in request header...