Reveal the Programing to an Interface Design principles in java.

Programming to an Interface    

I think it will better to discuss design principals in java based on which design patterns are created.

The very first principal is “Programming to an Interface” what does it mean?

Let try to understand the principal in details.

In general, scenario, if you look at any problem statement or business solution you can find two parts.

1.    Fixed part.
2.    Variable

The fixed part is some kind boilerplate code. But when we design we take care of the variable part.
All the design patterns are discovered to maintain this variable parts. Because they are ever-changing. If your code is not flexible with future enhancement, then your code is not up to the mark.

The question is in java How you can maintain your variable parts?
To drill down to answer let magnify the statement "maintain variable parts". we know same will perform an operation but we don’t know How we can achieve this  operation . Specifically, we know the type of the operation but don’t know details of the implementation moreover client needs can be changed so operation implementation  change in future.

Let’s, take an Example A computer monitor is design for display purpose. So I can say if Computer is a product and Computer monitor is a part of computer product.,then Computer monitor is responsible for display operation.

Now, later on, client needs is changed ,now they want to display by Projector

So If our solution is not capable of welcome this needs it will be nothing but a waste product.

According to new needs what we can analyse is, it will perform same action display but the module should change from Computer monitor to Projector.

So display module in Computer product should be flexible so we can change it easily. Or we can change it dynamically(runtime). We can say display module is like a strategy  and client change the strategy now.

So our java solution is like following.

interface displayModule
 public void display();

public class Monitor implements displayModule
public void display()
s.o.p(“Display through Monitor”);

public class Projector implements displayModule
public void display()
s.o.p(“Display through projector”);

public class Computer
 displayModule dm;

public void setDisplayModule(displayModule dm)

public void display()

public static void main(String args[])
Computer cm =new Computer();
displayModule dm = new Monitor();
displayModule dm1 = new Projector();
cm. setDisplayModule(dm);
cm. display();
cm. setDisplayModule(dm1);
cm. display();



Look the solution, we know Display Module should be flexible, and we know the operation of the display module is "display" but according to the client it may be changed later, but in a computer, there should always be a display module but we don’t know what will that equipment. It’s may be monitor or projector or any other.

So we create an interface and every Display parts should implement that and provide the own definition of the display.

Look the computer class here I create HAS-A relation call display-module because we know display module change frequently as per client needs so we always make display module as abstract
So we can change it runtime with actual implementation.

Remember always code through an interface so you can change your strategy run-time with actual implementation.
The interface means here java interface or abstract class.
Make the variable parts as an interface or abstract class as you know the operation which is never changes but it implementation or the implement module can change.

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