Design thoughts on Open/Close Principle

Open close principle

According to Bertrand Meyer
 “software entities (classes, modules, functions, etc.) should be open for extension, but closed for modification

Read it the first time one can think the definition is a bit abstract as design principals are.
But the aforesaid statement is very powerful and can save you from fragile design and wired bugs.

The statement says that Design should be done such a way so it can welcome new changes
but without tampering the old implementation. Because your old implementation is tested and run fine in production, to welcome new changes it is not good to break old ones. So this principal says welcome new changes on top of old changes.

Let take an example, suppose requirement is to create a class which determines the area of a Rectangle.

This is very easy to develop for an OO Developer

Initial code like
package com.example.openclose;

public class AreaBuilder {
       public void calculateRectangleArea(int length,int breadth)
              System.out.println("Area of Rectangle is " + length*breadth);
       public static void main(String[] args) {
              AreaBuilder builder = new AreaBuilder();
              builder.calculateRectangleArea(20, 10);


The code is tested and then deployed.  But after some day new feature request raise now this class should able to compute the area of the square also.

Inexperienced developer will incorporate the requirements in following way

package com.example.openclose;

public class AreaBuilder {
       private void calculateRectangleArea(int length,int breadth)
              System.out.println("Area of Rectangle is " + length*breadth);
       private void calculateSquareArea(int length)
              System.out.println("Area of Square is " + length*length);
       public void getArea(String type,int length,int breadth)
              else if("rectangle".equalsIgnoreCase(type))
       public void getArea(String type,int length)

       public static void main(String[] args) {
              AreaBuilder builder = new AreaBuilder();
              //builder.calculateRectangleArea(20, 10);
              builder.getArea("square", 10);
              builder.getArea("rectangle", 10,5);


Certainly, it will meet the requirements but break the Open close principal. Also, this code has some shortcomings

1.    To incorporate new changes, we will modify the old class so it breaks the statement “closed for modification”.
2.    The new code can break old functionality if the implementation is wrong, so we not only fail to deliver new code but also break the old functionality which is not intended.
3.    For every new shape added in the system, we need to modify this class and make the class more complex and less cohesive.

To overcome aforesaid problems, we try to follow the principal refactor the code.

“Open for extension closed for modification”
In java, the extension can achieve through inheritance. So we can create an interface called “shape” and a method called area() in it so every shape can implement area method and provide its implementation.
So if a new shape is coming we just create a new class and implement shape interface if anything goes wrong only that shape class will be impacted not the previous implementations thats why the Open close principal is so important in design.

Refactor code:
package com.example.openclose;

public interface shape {
       public void area();


package com.example.openclose;

public class Rectangle implements shape{
       private int length;
       private int breadth;
       Rectangle(int length,int breadth)

       public void area() {
              System.out.println("Area of Rectangle is " + length*breadth);


package com.example.openclose;

public class Square implements shape{

       private int edge;
       public Square(int edge)
       public void area() {
              System.out.println("Area of Square is " + edge*edge);


package com.example.openclose;

public class ShapeManager {
       private static ShapeManager manager = new ShapeManager();
       shape shape;
       private ShapeManager()
       public static ShapeManager getInstance()
              return manager;
       public void getArea() throws IllegalArgumentException
              if(shape ==null)
                     throw new IllegalArgumentException("please provide a Shape");
       public shape getShape() {
              return shape;

       public void setShape(shape shape) {
              this.shape = shape;

       public static void main(String[] args) {
              shape rect = new Rectangle(10,20);
              shape square = new Square(10);
              ShapeManager instance = ShapeManager.getInstance();


Output :

 Area of Rectangle is 200
Area of Square is 100

Hooray, we refactor the code and it is maintaining the principal. We can incorporate any number of shape by adding new classes and without modifying the old classes.

The client is happy now they want to introduce a brand new feature Now shape can be drawn on a paper.
So inexperinced developer thought it is easy task to do just add a new method call drawShape() on shape interface it will meet client needs and not breaking the Open Close principle
Let’s do that,

package com.example.openclose;

public interface shape {
       public void area();
       public void drawShape();


package com.example.openclose;

public class Rectangle implements shape{
       private int length;
       private int breadth;
       Rectangle(int length,int breadth)

       public void area() {
              System.out.println("Area of Rectangle is " + length*breadth);

       public void drawShape() {
              System.out.println("drawing recangle on paper" );

 package com.example.openclose;

public class Square implements shape{

       private int edge;
       public Square(int edge)
       public void area() {
              System.out.println("Area of Square is " + edge*edge);
       public void drawShape() {
              System.out.println("drawing square on paper" );


package com.example.openclose;

public class ShapeManager {
       private static ShapeManager manager = new ShapeManager();
       shape shape;
       private ShapeManager()
       public static ShapeManager getInstance()
              return manager;
       public void getArea() throws IllegalArgumentException
              if(shape ==null)
                     throw new IllegalArgumentException("please provide a Shape");
       public void draw() throws IllegalArgumentException
              if(shape ==null)
                     throw new IllegalArgumentException("please provide a Shape");
       public shape getShape() {
              return shape;

       public void setShape(shape shape) {
              this.shape = shape;

       public static void main(String[] args) {
              shape rect = new Rectangle(10,20);
              shape square = new Square(10);
              ShapeManager instance = ShapeManager.getInstance();


Output :
Area of Rectangle is 200
drawing recangle on paper
Area of Square is 100
drawing square on paper

So far so good. But is it really maintains Open/close principle? In bare eyes, yes but if we put our thinking cap, there is clue in client needs which can break this principal
Clients want shape can be drawn on a paper but it can be drawn on Computer or in canvas also.

So in future, if clients want to draw on the computer. To incorporate this change Open close principal will be broken. As again we need to put if /else check on each shape drawshape() method.

Now we will discuss How judiciously we can design open close principle?
1.    I classified Objects properties in two ways a. primary properties b. Composition properties.
2.    If any functionality(method) depends on only primary properties i.e which are the sole properties of that domain object.  You can declare them in the interface or abstract class from which this class inherited.
3.    If a functionality depends on an external entity always use composition rather than inheritance. (Here draw functionality depends on paper an external entity so we should use composition rather than inheritance)

Now refactor the code again to support draw function.
package com.example.openclose;

public interface shape {
       public void area();
       public void drawShape();


package com.example.openclose;

public interface drawAPI {
       public String draw();


package com.example.openclose;

public class PaperDraw implements drawAPI{

       public String draw() {
              return "paper";


package com.example.openclose;

public class ComputerDraw implements drawAPI{

       public String draw() {
              // TODO Auto-generated method stub
              return "computer";


package com.example.openclose;

public class Rectangle implements shape{
       private int length;
       private int breadth;
       drawAPI api;
       Rectangle(int length,int breadth,drawAPI api)

       public void area() {
              System.out.println("Area of Rectangle is " + length*breadth);

       public void drawShape() {
              String medium = api.draw();
              System.out.println("drawing recangle on " + medium);



package com.example.openclose;

public class Square implements shape{

       private int edge;
       drawAPI api;
       public Square(int edge,drawAPI api)
       public void area() {
              System.out.println("Area of Square is " + edge*edge);
       public void drawShape() {
              String medium=api.draw();
              System.out.println("drawing square on "+medium );


package com.example.openclose;

public class ShapeManager {
       private static ShapeManager manager = new ShapeManager();
       shape shape;
       private ShapeManager()
       public static ShapeManager getInstance()
              return manager;
       public void getArea() throws IllegalArgumentException
              if(shape ==null)
                     throw new IllegalArgumentException("please provide a Shape");
       public void draw() throws IllegalArgumentException
              if(shape ==null)
                     throw new IllegalArgumentException("please provide a Shape");
       public shape getShape() {
              return shape;

       public void setShape(shape shape) {
              this.shape = shape;

       public static void main(String[] args) {
              shape rect = new Rectangle(10,20,new ComputerDraw());
              shape square = new Square(10,new PaperDraw());
              ShapeManager instance = ShapeManager.getInstance();


Output :
Area of Rectangle is 200
drawing rectangle on computer
Area of Square is 100
drawing square on paper

Now draw() method is in shape class as we assume every shape is drawable and we create  composition between  shape family and drawAPI family.

But to maintain Open close principal we need to create a lot of classes. Make code complex.
I throw an open question,

 If a client is reluctant for change or development time is short or for a system where change requests are very less, then should we always maintain open/close principle or break that rule and make the code much simpler?

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