Get rid of Inheritance Forest
While doing code review, I have seen many times that there is a potential danger of creating a lot of inherited classes, meaning a simple change in business requirements may make things unmanageable. So, surely, this...
Home » Archives for March 2017
Maven Custom Archetype and PlaceHolder
archetype in maven,
archetype maven own archetype,
custom archetype,
maven archetype quickstart,
maven placeholder,
- on March 18, 2017
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Maven Custom Archetype and PlaceHolder
In this article ,I will show you How to create your own Archetype in Maven so it can fit your company coding Structure template.
To do this following steps need to be followed
Create a maven Project...
Factory Method VS Simple Factory
design pattern,
factory method pattern.difference factory method and simple factory,
factory pattern,
java design pattern,
simple factory
- on March 09, 2017
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Factory Method VS Simple Factory
While taking Interview of a senior developer, Often I asked a question to the candidate that do you know Design pattern?
They Said yes and then I ask them what are some design patterns you familiar with and use in...