What is a Microservice?

Although the question is Simple, it is tough to answer as Microservice does not have any de facto standard, many people have many perspectives on Microservices so many definitions.

The compelling definition is.

Microservices is a Suite of services where each service is, bounded by a bounded context and can run, deployed, and scale independently without impacting other services.

So, to make the above statement correct in reality, organizations that are adopted Microservices follow few common characteristics, so

Javaonfly recommends, rather than going by definition go for Characteristics.

Characteristics to be followed for creating a successful Microservices architecture.

Componentization of services:: Service can be upgraded, evolved, deployed, scalable, tested independently.

Database per core services:: Take out the coupling from the database and make it private to core services, create an API contract by which other services get data.

Test cases are the first-class citizen:: as MS is a collaboration of multiple services so Unit test and Integration test is needed often to identify issues, Fail fast strategy is key to success, So need full Unite test case and integration test coverage with automation.

CI/CD Pipeline and Automation:: To become a success, we need CI/CD pipeline and provision to deploy in UAT, SIT, and may be automated deployment to PROD as well. Also If using PAAS, or containerization to treats resources like cattle, not Pet, we can spin servers on the fly for X-axis scaling

You build it you run It Strategy:: Make sure Team are mixed bag Agile teams UI, Backend, dba, QA, and Team is responsible for implementing a Business capability, like Registration Team or Login Team, Order Team, Payment Team, etc, may One Scrum handle Aggregator and core services for that functionality based on organization Team strength but one feature is built that team is the Sole owner of that feature, all bugs, support, deployment, delivery, database tuning, testing will be done by that team.

Strategy for Failure is must:: Microservice architecture dealing with a chain of services call over the network which is not in Teams control, so it bounds to fail but we create MS for high availability so Failure strategy is must, not a good to have kind of things, so always design Plan A, B, C D for failure and lastly fallback.

No Single Point of Failure:: Never ever design a component that can't be scalable through X-axis, so replication is a must for MS, use CAP theorem for your business needs, whether it is the service or database or Cache, config, Load balancer any component.

Reduce Chattiness by Aggregator:: As microservices over network call and a capability spans multiple services design an Aggregator which collects information from core services and returns UI specific response. Use Aggregrtaor carefully it might cause a God Service antipattern

Tracing and Logging:: s microservices over network call and a capability spans multiple services, think about developers how they debug if something goes wrong so use Tracing mechanism, also as MS using X-axis scaling it is not possible to check every server rather need a log aggregator like ELK or Splunk so using correlated id developer trace the call.

Smart endpoint dumb pipe:: Pipe means carrier of instructions i.e network only carry the payload all logic in the MS itself, unlike Service Bus where middleware did all stuff for you!!

Externalization of configuration:: Configuration must be extracted out from MS so we can change them without restarting the services, it helps to achieve high up time for the service.

If the above characteristics are present we can safely say it is Microservice, missing of one or many then that is not a Microservice but we can say they tend to achieve Microservices.